Rant on.


Yes, I know it’s Thursday and I missed ranting on Monday.  But I came across a little tidbit this morning which pissed me off.  The Westboro Baptist Church is going to picket the funeral of the late, great Steve Jobs.  They announced this via a Twitter post from an iPhone.  Yes, that’s right, they used a device whose invention came about thanks to the very person they were planning to be disrespectful of.  Hypocrisy at its finest, to be certain.


Now, I am not a fan of Apple, but I acknowledge Mr. Jobs’ contributions in bringing personal computers to the general public in a big way.  Windows would not have done as well as it has–or Linux, for that matter–without the promotional efforts of Steve Jobs.  This hardly matters to a group like the WBC, who has the gall to announce they’re going to disrupt his funeral using one of Jobs’ and Apple’s biggest successes.  It’s like saying, “Thanks for the gift, screw you!”


Rant off.


Meanwhile, life goes on.  I am still without my own transportation.  I am borrowing a co-worker’s husband’s car.  My church friend’s son came back from his 2-week trip, so she had to reclaim the van I had borrowed from her.  I was hoping to get a car tomorrow, but the budget just isn’t there for it.  I have high hopes for my next paycheck in two weeks will allow for a car purchase.


Spiff is doing well in school.  He got some credit transferred from his school in Virginia.  He needs to have a total of twenty-three credits, and thirteen transferred, leaving only ten more to earn.  He’ll get another credit for the “job” skills he is learning now, and then another for the two clubs he is in at the school.  That leaves eight credits for him to earn.  It’s a self-paced place, so with some effort on his part he could get through it in a few months.


In EverQuest, I have become an (A)pproved member of the high end raid team.  This gives me a few more options on getting goodies from raids.  In fact, my big druid, Danielf, has benefited.  One perk for Approved members is that if nobody wants a particular item, Approved members can roll on it for an alt.  One such item came up Sunday night, and Dan got it.  Yay!


That’s enough for this week.  See you tomorrow with a bit of poetry.