I knew it was dangerous to have a mouth.

We have to save Han!  Or eat him!

Everybody needs a living, breathing pocket creature.  Seriously.

Even turtles have to boogie.

If you feel the need for an extreme makeover, there’s a place to get it done.

A place for everything, and everything in its place, I always say.

Apparently, even Jimi can’t mess with Jabba.


There’s an internet meme of sorts wherein there’s an image of a well-known person (fictional or otherwise) with a quote belonging to somebody else from some other place entirely which is then attributed to a third person.  Like a picture of Spock with his usual “live long and prosper” hand sign accompanied by the words “Do or do not, there is no try” which is then attributed to Captain Jack Sparrow.  Many versions of this are very funny, however wrong they might be.

Today I found one of these beauties without a quote.  It’s here, and I hope you recognize all three sources.