In the sky is the moon
The sun and stars, too
Here on the ground
I find me and you

I cannot reach the moon
But it is nonetheless there
Going about its business
Without a single care

I sometimes imagine
Places I’ll never touch
Then I wonder if my imagining
Counts for very much

This is the essence
Of everything that is
It exists, it is there
Going about its biz

Our lives affect so little
But impact each other a lot
We cling to those impacts
It’s really all we’ve got

Deep in some forest
There probably stands a tree
Which has never known man
One we may never see

But the tree is there
There are many more that were
Which no one has ever seen
Their lives are not even a blur

This does not stop
Their existence in the least
It’s mind-boggling to think about
An unfathomable beast




I was thinking about this yesterday or the day before, about places I’ve never been.  Actually, I think it started with a reference to cats, and how they’ve been around for a long time.  There’s a demotivational poster about it which features a cat who is laying down with a few household object on it.  More objects are piled on in subsequent pictures, and the cat remains uncaring, just laying there.  The caption is–and forgive the language–“Cats:  Not giving a fuck for millions of years.”  This got me to thinking about things I have no way of directly experiencing, such as cats who have lived and died before I was born.  Last night this train of thought came to me again when I looked up and saw the moon.  Although there’s an extremely slender chance I may some day reach it, I can’t right now.  That doesn’t stop it from existing, and I wondered what it looks like on the surface.  Sure, there are pictures, but what does it feel like to experience it first hand, to stand there and look around?


Anyway, this mind-boggling kind of train of thought led me to the above poem.  More than enough said on that; have a good weekend!  See you Monday.