Too late for my daughter’s visit, my new toy, my Wii, arrived Monday morning.  That’s right, it arrived in the morning, not in the afternoon after I went to work.  Murphy must have been napping.  It’s one of the happy purchases I have made in a long time.

Now, some will say “It’s a game, of course it’s a happy purchase.”  That’s not what I mean.  I buy videos frequently, and those certainly bring a certain amount of joy to my life.  I bought my Android phone recently, and I liked that, too.  But it’s rare I get something which I feel is as totally worth the money as my Wii is turning out to be.

You see, I am not much of a gamer.  I like my EverQuest a lot–I am obsessed with it at times, in fact–but other than that I simply don’t play a lot of sophisticated games.  I have had a GameCube for awhile now, but game purchases are rare and use of the Cube has been infrequent.  The Wii offers more than games.  Its Mii thing allows for a little social interaction.  It has sports things to help me be a little more physically active.  It came with a 1-month trial subscription to Netflix (technically, Netflix is offering that to everybody, but I didn’t get it until I got my Wii), which I have found to be very cool.  I have already watched two movies and the Fraggle Rock pilot episode, and Sam has watched a few things, too, and we only got it yesterday.  The Wii plays GameCube games using GameCube controllers and storage cards natively.  In short, it does a lot of things which I find entertaining, making it well worth the purchase price.

Meanwhile, Kivuli has turned into a little ball of feline energy.  She has been zipping around the house lately, causing giggles for Sam and I.  I have learned the proper pronunciation of her name:  Kih-voo-lee.  I had been saying Kih-vyoo-lee, but my Swahili-speaking friend let me know the correct way.  Anyway, Kivvy is a bundle of joy and is bringing me frequent smiles.  She cuddles up in bed with me nightly and likes to curl up on my shoulder or belly when I am sitting at the computer or in front of the TV.

Shoes had hoped to make it to the Springs again later this month, for the Holiday, but sadly she cannot.  Sam’s daughter, Doodles, will be out, but we don’t know her exact plans yet.

In EverQuest, Shaka completed the progression sequence for the newest expansion.  This makes me really happy, as I still haven’t gotten her past the first progression of the last expansion yet.  She hasn’t quite reached the new level cap of 90 yet, but she has made good progress.  I have high hopes of hitting that goal in the next week or two and starting back in on her AA points.

Danielf, my druid named for my late son, finally got to level 86, moving past the level cap of the last two expansions (the last expansion did not increase the cap).  Boomshakalaka is making steady progress for 87; he should hit it by month’s end.

That’s all the Nothing news I have for this week.  Tomorrow I hope to write a great poem about a subject I haven’t chosen yet.  See you then.