Let me start off by apologizing for missing yesterday’s Wandering post.  I could give a number of excuses, but it boils down to only having Stumbled across two or three amusing things.  I started to Stumble yesterday morning, but got distracted and never got back to the Stumbling.  Nevermind the fact that Stumbling is, in itself, a distraction.


Last week’s Date was interesting.  I went to Hug’s house with my Hoodwinked DVD.  They enjoyed it, and Hug ordered pizza for us.  Her daughter and niece were there, and they went with us after Hoodwinked to see Thor in 3-D.  (We wanted to see Hoodwinked Too, but that simply didn’t show that late.)  Thor was good, and the 3-D thing was interesting.  I hadn’t seen a 3-D movie in years, not since before the recent technology updates for it.  For the most part, it seemed like everything cardboard cutouts, but the weather effects–rain and snow–were pretty cool in 3-D


After the movie, we went back to Hug’s place and then I went home.  It was a nice date.


Meanwhile, as my Tuesday post mentioned, the SOE servers continue to be down.  No EverQuest, wah!  Meanwhile, my guild, which has a Facebook page, has decided to go into Dungeons & Dragons Online (DDO) for their MMO fix.  I already had an account there and have played it a couple of times, so it was easy enough to get into the game.  I created a bard, Shakatru, and have been working her way through the newbie stuff.  DDO, by the way, is what distracted me yesterday morning from Stumbling.  Mornings are the only time I have time to do that kind of thing.  Today is an exception; going to work two hours early makes it a challenge to play anything, although I am going to try to knock off at least one more task in the Newbie list.  Hopefully tomorrow I’ll be able to get most of the newbie stuff done.


Speaking of tomorrow, it will be a busy day.  I have some small projects I have been Meaning To Do which I Mean To Do tomorrow.  There’s a list of instructions I need to put together for a process for the ASUUC site, I need to top off the waterbed’s water (it’s very low, relatively speaking), I need to figure out how to position a fan so my computer stays cool as we’re starting to have warmer days now and I need to fix my scooter’s headlight fix.  I replaced the bulbs last week, but now one does not light at all and they low beams still do not work, which was the purpose of last week’s attempted fix.


In addition to all of this, I plan to have my usual Friday Tuesday lunch.  (Lunch on Friday at Ruby Tuesday’s.)  I may go see a movie, and I definitely need to get some bread and oatmeal cream pies from the store for work.  Tomorrow night, I have a Medieval Dinner to attend at church.  I was originally supposed to be helping this amusing affair and in fact bought a costume (a monk’s robe) from Amazon for it, but then was informed my assistance was not needed.  Fortunately for me, somebody cancelled so I was able to get a ticket and make the costume purchase worthwhile.


That’s it for now.  Time to hit Facebook and with luck a little DDO time.  See you tomorrow.